Most of the people nowadays, irrespective of age, capacity and gender, try to follow certain habits on daily basis. Some of them are consuming maximum amount of fresh drinking water, going for workout sessions, relying on a balanced diet and lot more. Following all these habits help in boosting the cognitive as well as physical health. Rozelle doctors and even the ones from other locations also suggest following the same regime to lead a healthy and disease-free life. Continue reading the post to know more about the same. Healthcare experts have repeatedly emphasised on the significance of remaining hydrated throughout the day. Adults must drink about eight to ten glasses, or in other words, 2.7 to 3.7 litres of water daily otherwise, they might suffer from fatigue, headache, constipation, kidney stones, skin disorders, etc. According to a study report, when people do not get adequate time to rest but could not sleep properly, they compensate by having jun...